Wednesday, October 13, 2010


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

party party at STI!^^

How to Find the Best Places to Meet Women

To improve your love life, meeting women is the most essential thing you can do. Keep in mind that your chances increase for finding the right woman for you, when you meet as many woman as you can. But in order to maximize your success, you need to go to the right places to meet girls. When you focus all your effort and time in a bar or club, you miss getting to know many other interesting women. Do you know that the bar scene is the hardest environment to meet a woman? The reason for this is the numerous complications you deal with there. The bar scene environment is: 1. The bar scene is loud, since they generally play very loud music, which hinders having a good conversation. 2. The bar scene is expensive. Think about it, when you figure in parking and cover charge as well as any drinks, you spend somewhere between sixty to one hundred dollars, before you even meet a woman. 3. The bar scene includes an increase of competition, since every man there is trying to meet women as well. 4. Protection Mechanisms. Women hardly ever go to bars or clubs alone (and if they do, they're going to meet up with someone). This means that even if you hit it off with a girl, you usually have to content with her friends and hope they don't pull her away at the last minute! 5. Unhealthy, this issue can get into some very deep scenarios when in a bar scene, besides the staying up late and cigarette smoke. All of these can really wear a person out. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should NEVER go to a bar or club to meet women. I'm just saying you should not LIMIT yourself to meeting new girls in just these places. Some great locations to meet women outside of the bar scene include frequenting: 1. Coffee Shops Coffee Shops are amazing places to meet girls. The atmosphere is laid back and relaxed, and you'll find lots of people like to hang out in coffee shops and read, study, or do work. This type of environment encourages people to be open and enjoy different types of conversation. So if you like coffee, and you're looking to relax a little bit, be sure to hit up the coffee shops occasionally. 2. Book Stores Book stores are in the same family as coffee shops (heck, nowadays, bookstores typically have coffee shops IN them!). Many women visit bookstores to sit and read book or study. They might grab something to eat then relax, while shopping for magazines and music. Bookstores offer a casual, relaxed atmosphere much like a coffee shop. It is much easier to meet women in these kind of places than it is to meet them at the bar scenes. 3. Shopping Centers Most women like to shop, so it only makes sense that malls and retail outlets are great resources for meeting women. When a woman is on a shopping mission for just the right item, she may walk around for hours looking for it, whether furniture, fashions or anything else for that matter. The very last thing on their mind is having a man approach them. This is good since their defenses are down and they are then more open to a man approaching them, while they shop. 4. Grocery Stores Hey, everyone's got to eat, right? Grocery stores can be a gold mine for meeting really fantastic, attractive women - particularly health food stores like Whole Foods Market, which actually has places where you can sit down and enjoy a meal together inside the store. Many grocery stores are including a hang out area inside their stores in hopes to increase their sales by keeping customers there longer. Their in-store coffee shop provides another means of meeting women. You can usually find great women in grocery stores, particularly after work when many of them are picking up groceries for dinner. 5. The Internet Do you know that the internet is one of the easiest ways to meet women, while requiring hardly any effort from you? Simply sign up as a member of any online dating website and begin emailing the women you find interesting. You already know they're in the market for romance, and they are actively LOOKING for someone to meet! What could be easier? If you're not currently doing online dating in conjunction with everything else, you are missing out. You might think you do not want to go to any of the areas just to meet women. It is true you should not have to. Never go anywhere thinking you are going just to pick up a woman. Go there to do what is there to do. If you go to buy groceries, look around to see if there are any women, you want to meet and then approach them. This is essential. Since you never know where you might meet the right woman, you should make a point to go about your day normally. However, you should be aware of any opportunity to meet new people. Therefore, you should never limit yourself to any area. No matter where you may be, keep looking to meet new women. However, those listed above offer some of the easiest means of doing so. Always keep in mind, for you to increase your success; you must be able to meet women wherever you may be. As you are going through your daily routine, always be on the lookout for opportunities to talk to a woman you find desirable. Never miss an opportunity to strike up a casual conversation with anybody, because you never know where it's going to lead.

Being Prepared For Valentine's Day

How was Valentine's Day, this last time? Was it good or bad? Was your evening fun? And... were you with a special girl? If the night was good, congratulations. It's what it's all about, in the grand scheme of things. If the night was more on the bad side, or just flat out didn't happen, then let's see what we can do for the next time it comes around. The budding question is: What can I do in one year to improve my chances of having a wonderful date for next year, and possible a great girl friend that I can spend a lot of time with? Ask yourself that. I prefer a three part attack. The three parts are as follows - myself, my interactions with others, and my social circle. I'll get into each of them, and you can analyze each factor, and see how you can improve. The first part is yourself. There are abundant ways to improve the self. An entire industry worth, in fact. Let's look at what can make you more attractive and improve your chance with women, however. You can improve your looks, more than likely. Are you in shape? This well help you. A well toned body is good. It's NOT paramount in success with women. But it can help your odds dramatically, and that is what we are looking for. Take up a simple exercise class, three times a week. Or try to spend time outdoors. walk, jog, bike. Weightlifting can help too by raising your testosterone. Are you up to date with fashion? Look at how you dress. Are your clothes several years old? How about your hairstyle? Start with your hair. Go to a good hairstylist, and see what he or she can do for you. Take the inspiration you'll get from a decent hair style and translate it into a good look. Go to a department store, and TAKE YOUR TIME trying on clothes. This is so important. You need to get a feel of what looks good on you. Internal improvements are probably the greatest way to improve your love life. Telling you how to get past these issues is well beyond the scope of this article. If you go to my website, I can help you from there. There are other sources too. The key is to work on your self esteem and self confidence. Improving any of the above mentioned things will literally force the world to see you differently. Next, you'll want to take a look at how you interact with other people. We'll only cover some simple stuff here, as really improving things takes more time and effort. See my website for more, but for now, let's see the simple stuff. Take the time to think about how you are addressing others. Is your voice resonant? Do you stand up straight? Do you look others in the eye when you address them? Do you have a firm handshake? For your voice, I'd recommend buying a book or audio set. Take the time to follow the instructions, and really see if you can make your voice more resonant. Another recommendation would be a voice coach, if you can afford one and feel like you have a real issue. For posture, see if you can take a workshop or some classes of yoga, Alexander Technique, or Feldenkrais method. Any of these will go a long way of helping you create a healthy posture, and allowing you to move more youthfully. And believe me, that's a big part of attraction. Watch a middle aged person move for 10 minutes. Then watch a 20 year old woman. The other parts are easy. Practice looking other people in the eye while addressing them. Hold their gaze a little too long. They might look away. It's okay, go a bit outside of your comfort zone. The idea is to expand it. With the handshake, just practice being firm. Easy enough, right? It will translate later on into greater self esteem, or the appearance thereof. The last part is your social circle. That's easy - get out more, go to places you don't regularly go to. If you are practicing the first two parts, you should meet more people. If you are a shut in, you could double or triple your social circle in a few months! There it is. Get to it! Next time this year, you might even have a hard time choosing from many dates! Good luck!

Rules For Dating Girls

Generally, when someone says "dating", that translates into "dinner and a movie." Seems about right huh? Going out and doing stuff with the girl. Getting to know her, and all that jazz. Well, what if I told you that you had the completely WRONG idea about dating? See, most guys use the concept of "going out" with a girl to mean that there is some romantic ulterior motive there, and that is not always the case. Let's go over some of the most common mistakes guys make when "dating" a girl... Mistake #1: Guys use dates as opportunities to "Impress" women. Lots of guys think they have something to prove on dates. They "have to get her to like me!" So they'll try and take her to fancy places to show her a memorable time, and they'll try and brag about themselves to come off as important. Mistake #2: Guys think it's all about spending to impress. Sadly, many men think that if they spend enough money on a woman, they can get her to sleep with them. This is always (and has always been) a bad idea. Aside from the gold diggers in the world, most women don't care how much you're spending on a date. Mistake #3: Activities Mean Nothing! Just the sheer act of going out to places with somebody doesn't mean as much as you think it does. If you do the typical "dinner and a movie" thing, that won't necessarily get the girl to like you. Spending time together does not always equate to romanic interest. Mistake #4: Guys can become BORING! Nothing is worse than going out on a date where there is no spark or chemistry. Some guys get so nervous on dates, that they sabotage themselves by being a boring dud. They talk about mundane things, display little or no personality, and just go through the motions hoping not to screw anything up. Mistake #5: Guys follow a pattern of failure. Finally, many men get a certain idea about dating in their heads - how things are supposed to be - and they follow that rigidly. These guys can be counted on to do the same thing every time. Same restaurant. Same questions. After awhile, they get the same results, which is zero attraction. Why? It's stale, lacks spontaneity, and is just no fun.

Dating Tips For Success With Women

Do you know that you cannot learn by simply reading, you still have to practice what you have read and learned in the real world. When you go out of the street and see woman, waiting for a cab or bus, looking outside of the window, shopping in the mall, and for some other reasons. This woman gets your attention and this woman looks really appealing to you, make sure to strike up or initiate a conversation, get to know her but make sure that the conversation is friendly and it won't intimidate her.

Be sensitive to what she needs, you should try to be aware of and try to figure out the things that make her mark off. Try to imagine yourself in her position and have compassion with her attitude and characteristics as well as her view in life. When you created a good judgment that there are needs to be fulfilled on her part, try to make other ways to please her as much as possible. Figure out if she wants tenderness, boldness, companionship or does she want to have a family as soon as possible and will a fine indication of your intentions make the best impression.

Be a good listener. You don't have to be passive to become a good listener. It is recommended that you give everything. For the most part, pay careful attention to her emotionally, mentally and physically through your facial expression, your comment and voice and posture. You have to really like her and make her feel that you are authentically interested in her.

Make sure that you are sensitive to find out that every human has loveable and beautiful qualities in the inside only if you seek for them. Give confidence and inspire the flow of your conversation with her by asking her questions, expressing your interest, making comments and appreciate what she is talking about. Make sure to be prepared to share your own feelings, knowledge and experience as it bears on what she is trying to express.

Life is for the time being, regardless of the disturbances, disappointment and unhappiness that you have experienced in your past, there is no explanation to allow yourself to series the past or to be concerned with her dreams and hopes about tomorrow that the present passes you by. This is the moment to live your life, in order to feel and see strongly, to make a start, to enjoy, build new life and new beginning. You can start at this very moment that will begin to revolutionize your life for the better, make you more nice-looking and successful with the opposite sex.

Do something within and without confidence, friendliness and strong interest in others. Be similar to people at the same time be outstanding, open eyed about their shortcomings, feel the affection for those people you know and do something about it and you will start to change inside and outside in the direction that is considerable and charming to most single women around the world. So, better start now before anything else to get a successful date and relationship.

Top Romantic Ideas for Couples

Don't waste another second stressing over what you need to do and where you need to go on a date. We've compiled a list of sure fire winners.

1. Prior to a date...stake out a nice secluded location near a park, beach, lake, rose garden, or "special place"...and leave a single stem rose along with a letter telling your sweetie how much they mean to you. After you're done with dinner, take your date to the special place where the rose and letter are. Let them stumble upon it.

2. Take your sweetie back to where the two of you first met or had your first kiss. Take along a video camera and interview them about that first day.

3. Take a trip to the beach or lake and have a picnic by the water. Afterwards, take a long walk along the shore. When the sun starts to set...throw down a blanket and watch it as you're sitting side by side.

4. Tell your sweetie that you've planned a surprise date. Instruct them to show up at your house dressed to impress at a certain time.

Greet them at the door in your classiest outfit. Have food from their favorite restaurant (order takeout) on the dining room table. Have your living room set up as a dance floor with candles all around. Have your favorite love songs playing in the background.

5. Pretend you're an old married couple. Go to the grocery store together and buy ingredients for the full course meal the two of you are going to make. After dinner, you guys can snuggle up on the couch and watch rented movies.

6. A treasure hunt with you as the treasure. Tell your sweetie to meet you at a pre-arranged location (but don't tell them what they're about to do). When they get there...have a letter or note waiting for them that explains the treasure hunt. Give them directions that lead to the next clue. Do this about 4-5 times. Leave lollipops and chocolate kisses and gifts at each location. When they finally get to you, be waiting with a rose. After this...take them out to dinner or lunch at their favorite restaurant.

7. Make a photo album of yourselves. Get all decked out in your best clothes and go to your town's landmarks and have passersby take your picture. Get the film developed in double exposures at a one hour photolab. Take the pictures and make his and hers photo albums.

8. Drive-in movie. Though they're hard to find...track one down.

9. Pretend you're a savvy swinging couple. Get dressed up: her in a dress....him in a coat and tie. Have dinner at a posh or fancy restaurant. Afterwards, go for a romantic walk in a local rose garden.