Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Being Prepared For Valentine's Day

How was Valentine's Day, this last time? Was it good or bad? Was your evening fun? And... were you with a special girl? If the night was good, congratulations. It's what it's all about, in the grand scheme of things. If the night was more on the bad side, or just flat out didn't happen, then let's see what we can do for the next time it comes around. The budding question is: What can I do in one year to improve my chances of having a wonderful date for next year, and possible a great girl friend that I can spend a lot of time with? Ask yourself that. I prefer a three part attack. The three parts are as follows - myself, my interactions with others, and my social circle. I'll get into each of them, and you can analyze each factor, and see how you can improve. The first part is yourself. There are abundant ways to improve the self. An entire industry worth, in fact. Let's look at what can make you more attractive and improve your chance with women, however. You can improve your looks, more than likely. Are you in shape? This well help you. A well toned body is good. It's NOT paramount in success with women. But it can help your odds dramatically, and that is what we are looking for. Take up a simple exercise class, three times a week. Or try to spend time outdoors. walk, jog, bike. Weightlifting can help too by raising your testosterone. Are you up to date with fashion? Look at how you dress. Are your clothes several years old? How about your hairstyle? Start with your hair. Go to a good hairstylist, and see what he or she can do for you. Take the inspiration you'll get from a decent hair style and translate it into a good look. Go to a department store, and TAKE YOUR TIME trying on clothes. This is so important. You need to get a feel of what looks good on you. Internal improvements are probably the greatest way to improve your love life. Telling you how to get past these issues is well beyond the scope of this article. If you go to my website, I can help you from there. There are other sources too. The key is to work on your self esteem and self confidence. Improving any of the above mentioned things will literally force the world to see you differently. Next, you'll want to take a look at how you interact with other people. We'll only cover some simple stuff here, as really improving things takes more time and effort. See my website for more, but for now, let's see the simple stuff. Take the time to think about how you are addressing others. Is your voice resonant? Do you stand up straight? Do you look others in the eye when you address them? Do you have a firm handshake? For your voice, I'd recommend buying a book or audio set. Take the time to follow the instructions, and really see if you can make your voice more resonant. Another recommendation would be a voice coach, if you can afford one and feel like you have a real issue. For posture, see if you can take a workshop or some classes of yoga, Alexander Technique, or Feldenkrais method. Any of these will go a long way of helping you create a healthy posture, and allowing you to move more youthfully. And believe me, that's a big part of attraction. Watch a middle aged person move for 10 minutes. Then watch a 20 year old woman. The other parts are easy. Practice looking other people in the eye while addressing them. Hold their gaze a little too long. They might look away. It's okay, go a bit outside of your comfort zone. The idea is to expand it. With the handshake, just practice being firm. Easy enough, right? It will translate later on into greater self esteem, or the appearance thereof. The last part is your social circle. That's easy - get out more, go to places you don't regularly go to. If you are practicing the first two parts, you should meet more people. If you are a shut in, you could double or triple your social circle in a few months! There it is. Get to it! Next time this year, you might even have a hard time choosing from many dates! Good luck!

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