Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rules For Dating Girls

Generally, when someone says "dating", that translates into "dinner and a movie." Seems about right huh? Going out and doing stuff with the girl. Getting to know her, and all that jazz. Well, what if I told you that you had the completely WRONG idea about dating? See, most guys use the concept of "going out" with a girl to mean that there is some romantic ulterior motive there, and that is not always the case. Let's go over some of the most common mistakes guys make when "dating" a girl... Mistake #1: Guys use dates as opportunities to "Impress" women. Lots of guys think they have something to prove on dates. They "have to get her to like me!" So they'll try and take her to fancy places to show her a memorable time, and they'll try and brag about themselves to come off as important. Mistake #2: Guys think it's all about spending to impress. Sadly, many men think that if they spend enough money on a woman, they can get her to sleep with them. This is always (and has always been) a bad idea. Aside from the gold diggers in the world, most women don't care how much you're spending on a date. Mistake #3: Activities Mean Nothing! Just the sheer act of going out to places with somebody doesn't mean as much as you think it does. If you do the typical "dinner and a movie" thing, that won't necessarily get the girl to like you. Spending time together does not always equate to romanic interest. Mistake #4: Guys can become BORING! Nothing is worse than going out on a date where there is no spark or chemistry. Some guys get so nervous on dates, that they sabotage themselves by being a boring dud. They talk about mundane things, display little or no personality, and just go through the motions hoping not to screw anything up. Mistake #5: Guys follow a pattern of failure. Finally, many men get a certain idea about dating in their heads - how things are supposed to be - and they follow that rigidly. These guys can be counted on to do the same thing every time. Same restaurant. Same questions. After awhile, they get the same results, which is zero attraction. Why? It's stale, lacks spontaneity, and is just no fun.

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